BlueCielo Meridian GCF/SharePoint 2012 SP1 Administrator's Guide | BlueCielo ECM Solutions

You are here: About configuring GCF/SharePoint > Scheduling the processors

Scheduling the processors

After the settings in the .ini files have been configured, each processor can be scheduled to run on a periodic basis using Windows Task Scheduler. There should be the following scheduled tasks for each collaborating site:

To schedule the processors:

  1. For each collaborating site, create a task in Windows Task Scheduler for each of the tasks listed above. For instructions on created tasks with Windows Task Scheduler, see the Windows Help. For information on the task frequency and the command lines to specify, see the following topics.

Tip    If the export and import processors for the collaborating sites reside on the same computer, the export and import tasks may be combined into a single scheduled task that runs one batch file that executes each processor in turn, first the export processor and then the import processor. An example of this configuration is when a Meridian Enterprise vault is collaborating with a SharePoint server using GCF/SharePoint and the servers reside at the same physical location and share a GCF computer. In that case, no briefcase transfer between the computers running the export and import processors can occur that might result in a delay in the availability of the briefcases to the import processor. This method results in a total of two scheduled tasks (one for each direction between both sites) instead of four (two for each direction between both sites).

Warning    The processors each check whether a previous instance of the processor is already running. If so, the new instance of the processor will exit silently. This enables scheduling the immediate processes with a short time interval without the risk that multiple instances will run simultaneously and interfere with each other. As a consequence, processing will stop when an instance does not exit due to an error or some other reason. We recommend that you configure the scheduled tasks to terminate if they run for an unreasonable amount of time, for example, five hours. For information on configuring Windows Task Scheduler, see the Windows Help.

When you are finished scheduling the processors, Global Collaboration Framework installation and configuration is complete. For advanced configuration and integration with existing configurations and customization, see Integrating the Global Collaboration Framework with an existing configuration.

Related tasks

Configuring the vault scheduled export task

Configuring the vault scheduled import task

Configuring the library scheduled export task

Configuring the library scheduled import task

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